- No.Z-28016/168/2013-SSH(Vol.II) :
Procurement of low value items for the department of Orthopedic,Blood Bank and Physiotherapy for each of six new AIIMS dated 23rd May, 2014
- No.Z-28016/21/2010-SSH :
Procurement of medical equipments for medical colleges being upgraded under Phase-II of PMSSY dated 15th May, 2014
- No.Z-28016/168/2013-SSH(Vol.II)/FTS-62196 :
Procurement of equipment for six new AIIMS dated 2nd April, 2014
- No.Z-28016/31/2014-SSH :
Request for approval for procurement of equipment for Ophthalmology and Forensic Medicine & Toxicology departments dated 13th Feb, 2014
- Minutes of Apex Committee for finalization of Tender documents,Specifications,Requirement of MGPS, Modular OTs and CSSD for six new AIIMS held on 9th Jan, 2014
- Approval for price bid opening for procurement of medical equipment for six AIIMS dated 18th Dec, 2013
- Minutes of the meeting to finalize the Tender enquiry documents,Specifications,Requirement of MGPS, MOT and CSSD for six new AIIMS held on 24th Dec, 2013
- Z-28016/171/2013-SSH :
Procurement of Medical equipment for six new AIIMS dated 24th Dec, 2013
- Z-28016/168/2013-SSH :
Approval for procurement of equipment for six new AIIMS for Rs.1000cr under PMSSY dated 11th Nov, 2013
- Z-28016/2/2012-SSH :
Minutes of meeting with HLL to discuss issues regarding specifications and qualification criteria for Procurement of Modular OTs, CSSD and MGPS for six new AIIMS held on 9th Sep, 2013
- F.No.Z-28016/2/2012 :
Procurement process for medical equipment and other goods and services through PSA for six new AIIMS dated 5th July, 2013
- F.No.28016/2/2012-SSH :
Minutes of third meeting of the Committee on Procurement for six new AIIMS held on 2nd May, 2013
- F.No.28016/02/2012-SSH(Pt-II) :
Local purchase for pre-clinical equipments dated 2nd April, 2013
- Z-28016/2/2012-SSH :
Minutes of meeting of Committee on Procurement of common and/or specialised items for six new AIIMS held on 26th Mar, 2013
- Z-28016/33/2013-SSH :
Formation of Committees to recommend specifications of equipment for six new AIIMS dated 26th Feb, 2013
- Z-28016/2/2012-SSH :
Minutes of meeting of Committee on Procurement of common and/or specialised items for six new AIIMS held on 13th Feb, 2013
- F.No.Z-28016/2/2012 :
Procurement of pre-clinical equipments for six new AIIMS dated 19th Dec, 2012