Government of India Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) Department of Health & Family Welfare
Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) - Government of India
Aiims Rishikesh Aiims Jodhpur Aiims Bhubaneswar Aiims Bhopal Aiims Patna Aiims Raipur Aiims Raebareli Aiims Manglagiri Aiims Gorakhpur AIIMS Bathinda AIIMS Kalyani Aiims Deoghar Aiims Nagpur AIIMS Bilaspur AIIMS Bibinagar AIIMS Rajkot AIIMS Jammu Aiims Guwahati Aiims Madurai

Order, Circulars & Minutes Archives

   File Number               Details
Z-28016/42/2013-SSH Academic Committee Order for AIIMS Bhopal dated 6th January, 2014
Z-28016/42/2013-SSH Governing Body,Standing Finance Committee and Standing Selection Committee Order for AIIMS Bhopal dated 29th November, 2013
A.11013/01/2010-SSH Filling up of additional 2936 sanctioned post in AIIMS Bhopal,Constitution of Ad hoc Committees dated 6th August, 2013
Z-28016/69/2013-SSH Filling up of 1145 Sanctioned posts in AIIMS Bhopal,Constitution of Ad hoc Committees Dated 4th April 2013
   File Number               Details
28016/2/2013-SSH Minutes of Progress Review Meeting of AIIMS Bhubaneswar Held at Bhubaneswar On 2nd & 3rd June, 2014
28016/2/2013-SSH Minutes of Monthly Review Meeting on Six New AIIMS Held On 18th January, 2014 at AIIMS Bhubaneswar
Z-28016/42/2013-SSH Academic Committee Order for AIIMS Bhubaneswar dated 6th January, 2014
Z-28016/42/2013-SSH Governing Body,Standing Finance Committee and Standing Selection Committee Order for AIIMS Bhubaneswar dated 29th November, 2013
A.11013/01/2010-SSH Filling up of additional 2936 sanctioned post in AIIMS Bhubaneswar,Constitution of Ad hoc Committees dated 6th August, 2013
Z-28016/69/2013-SSH Filling up of 1145 Sanctioned posts in AIIMS Bhubaneswar,Constitution of Ad hoc Committees Dated 4th April 2013
   File Number               Details
Z-28016/42/2013-SSH Academic Committee Order for AIIMS Jodhpur dated 6th January, 2014
Z-28016/42/2013-SSH Governing Body,Standing Finance Committee and Standing Selection Committee Order for AIIMS Jodhpur dated 29th November, 2013
A.11013/01/2010-SSH Filling up of additional 2936 sanctioned post in AIIMS Jodhpur,Constitution of Ad hoc Committees dated 6th August, 2013
Z-28016/69/2013-SSH Filling up of 1145 Sanctioned posts in AIIMS Jodhpur,Constitution of Ad hoc Committees Dated 4th April 2013
   File Number               Details
Z-28016/42/2013-SSH Academic Committee Order for AIIMS Patna dated 6th January, 2014
Z-28016/42/2013-SSH Governing Body,Standing Finance Committee and Standing Selection Committee Order for AIIMS Patna dated 29th November, 2013
A.11013/01/2010-SSH Filling up of additional 2936 sanctioned post in AIIMS Patna,Constitution of Ad hoc Committees dated 6th August, 2013
Z-28016/69/2013-SSH Filling up of 1145 Sanctioned posts in AIIMS Patna,Constitution of Ad hoc Committees Dated 4th April 2013
   File Number               Details
28016/2/2013-SSH Minutes of Review Meeting of AIIMS-Raipur held at Raipur on 31st May, 2014
Z-28016/42/2013-SSH Academic Committee Order for AIIMS Raipur dated 6th January, 2014
Z-28016/42/2013-SSH Governing Body,Standing Finance Committee and Standing Selection Committee Order for AIIMS Raipur dated 29th November, 2013
A.11013/01/2010-SSH Filling up of additional 2936 sanctioned post in AIIMS Raipur,Constitution of Ad hoc Committees dated 6th August, 2013
Z-28016/69/2013-SSH Filling up of 1145 Sanctioned posts in AIIMS Raipur,Constitution of Ad hoc Committees Dated 4th April 2013
Z-28016/42/2013-SSH Academic Committee Order for AIIMS Rishikesh dated 6th January, 2014
Z-28016/42/2013-SSH Governing Body,Standing Finance Committee and Standing Selection Committee Order for AIIMS Rishikesh dated 29th November, 2013
A.11013/01/2010-SSH Filling up of additional 2936 sanctioned post in AIIMS Rishikesh,Constitution of Ad hoc Committees dated 6th August, 2013
Z-28016/69/2013-SSH Filling up of 1145 Sanctioned posts in AIIMS Rishikesh,Constitution of Ad hoc Committees Dated 4th April 2013
General Order,Circulars and Minutes Archives


S.No    File Number               Date               Details
1  Z-28016/79/2021 -PMSSY-IV 22th September,2022 Creation of 32 SR JR in Raebraeli-reg.
2  A-11013/2/2019-PMSSY-IV-Part(1) 30th January,2023 Creationo of 70 posts SR JR for AIIMS Bathinda and Mangalagiri each.-reg.
3  A-11013/01/2021-PMSSY-IV [EO. 8116341] 24th September,2021 Creation of Faculty, SR, JR posts for AIIMS Madurai-reg.
4  A-11013/2/2019-PMSSY-IV-Part(1) 19th September,2021 Creation of Senior residents (SR) and Junior Residents (JR) for new AIIMS-reg.
5  Z-28016/175/2014-SSH ( FTS 94134) 14th July,2020 Procedure and Guidelines forengagement of technical consultants on contractual basis for Programme Divisionunder PMSSY-reg.
6 Z-28016/19/2019-PMSSY- IV EO[3200477 18th December,2019 Creation Faculty and Non-Faculty post for each of the AIIMS at Vijaypur, Samba(Jammu) and Rajkot (Gujarat)-reg.
7 Z-28016/114/2018-PMSSY-III/IV 23th August,2019 List of Eligible and Non-Eligible candidates for the post of Executive Director in new AIIMS at Raebareli,Gorakhpur,Bathinda Bibinagar, Deoghar and Kalyani.-reg.
8 No.Z-28016/114/2018-PMSSY-III-part-1 17th July,2019 Creation of post of Director for AIIMS at Gorakhpur, Bathinda, Bilaspur, Guwahati, Deoghar and Raebareli-reg
9 No.Z-28016/135/2016-SSH 08th July,2019 Creation of post of MS, Faculty and Non-Faculty posts at AIIMS Raebareli-reg.
10 No.Z-28016/19/2019-PMSSY-IV 05th July,2019 Creation of Faculty and Non-Faculty posts at AIIMS Bibinagar-reg.
11 No.Z-28016/11/2016-PMSSY-IV 31th July,2019 Creation of Project Cell posts at AIIMS Madurai (Tamil Nadu), Bibinagar(Telangana) and Rajkot(Gujrat)-reg.
12 No.A-11013/4/2019-PMSSY-IV 19th June,2019 Creation of Project Cell posts at AIIMS Vijaypur (Jammu) and AIIMS Pulwama (Kashmir)-reg.
13 No.Z-28016/164/2015-SSH 13th June,2019 Review of Recruitment Regulations for Nursing Staff in Six New AIIMS under PMSSY - reg
14 No.Z-28016/45/2017-PMSSY-III 04th February,2019 Creation of following posts each for 5 new AIIMS at Gorakhpur,Bathinda,Guwahati,Bilaspur and Deogarh under PMSSY - reg
15 No.Z-28016/45/2017-PMSSY-III 10th September,2018 Creation of following posts each for 3 new AIIMS at Andhra Pradesh,West Bengal and Maharashtra under PMSSY - reg
16 No.Z-28016/34/2017-PMSSY-III 05th November,2018 Appointrnent of Mentor Institutes for new AIIMS established / being established under PMSSY -reg.
17 No.28016/23/2015-SSH(ph-IV) (vol.II} 18th October,2018 Appointment of AIIMS, Jodhpur as mentor Institute for AIIMS Gorakhpur-reg.
18 No.Z-28016/115/2017-PMSSY-III 21th January,2019 Notice for opening of financial bid TPQA for construction of AIIMS- reg
19 No.Z-28016/28/2018-PMSSY-V 10th January,2018 Joining of Shri P.V.Mohandas and Shri V. Radhakrishnan as Under Secretaries in PMSSY Division-reg
20 No.Z-28016/83/2015-SSH 12th December,2018 Reconstitution of empowered committee as central IB of the new AIIMS as an overarching governance structure for the new AIIMS-reg
21 No.Z-28016/1/2016-SSH 20th November,2018 Filling up the various project cell posts at the new AIIMS-reg
22 No.Z-28016/1/2016-SSH 28th September,2018 Transfer of project cell posts of Director,Medical Superintendent,Financial Advisor and Superintending Engineer to be administered by the respective six new AIIMS-reg
23 No.Z-28016/1/2016-SSH 28th September,2018 Processing the matters for approval of leave/Tour Program by President of the institute.
24 No.54(30)/S.P.M/18-19/847-D 20th September,2018 Notice Inviting 'Request For Proposal'(RFP),AIIMS Awantipora,Kashmir (J&K)
25 No.V-16020/28/2017-INI-I(Pt.) 23th August,2018 Extension of benefits of 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) - Pay Revision of Pay and Allowances of Faculty in respect of other new AIIMS.
26 No.Z-28016/195/2017-PMSSY-IV 13th April,2018 Application of reservation in respect of engagement of retired faculty on contractual basic in new AIIMS-regarding
27 No.Z-28016/162/2015-SSH(Pt-1) 13th April,2018 Appointment of Non-Faculty Group 'A' officers on deputation in new AIIMS-regarding
28 No.Z-28016/51/2018-PMSSY-IV 28th March,2018 Ministry has been receiving several proposals from directors of new AIIMS
29 No.Z-28016/236/2017-PMSSY-IV 23th March,2018 Visiting Faculty Scheme in New AIIMS.
30 No.Z-28016/19/2018-PMSSY-IV 23th March,2018 Constitution of Sub-Committee of the respective Governing Body of Six new AIIMS to consider and approve recommendation of the respective standing selection committee of six new AIIMS.
31 No.Z-28016/229/2017-PMSSY-IV 21th February,2018 Filling up the post of Financial Adviser in new AIIMS at Bhubaneswar,Jodhpur and Rishikesh on deputation basis.
32 No.Z-28016/83/2015-SSH 12th January,2018 Creation of empowered committee in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare as an overarching governance structure for the new AIIMS-regarding.
33 No.Z-28016/15/2017-PMSSY-IV 19th December,2017 Extension of benefits of 7th Central Pay Commission(CPC)- Revision of pay and allowances of Faculty and Non-Faculty in respect of Six new AIIMS-reg.
34 No.Z-28016/83/2015-SSH 20th November,2017 Filling up of vacant Faculty posts on deputation basis in six new AIIMS.
35 No.Z-28016/195/2017-PMSSY-IV 16th November,2017 Engagement of Retired Faculty on contract basis in new AIIMS-reg.
36 No.Z-28016/87/2017-PMSSY-III 14th November,2017 In Partial Modification to the Ministry's order dated 26.07.2017,With the approval of competent authority,it has been decided to reconstitute a Technical Committe with the following compisition to examine DPRs excluding medical equipment,submitted by the executing agency.
37 No.Z-28016/81/2017-PMSSY-III 27th October,2017 With the approval of competent authority,it has been decided to constitute a Technical Committe with the following compisition to examine DPRs including covering Hospital,Medical College,Residential accommodation,Services etc.
38 No.Z-28016/276/2014-SSH 15th June,2017 Delegation of Financial Power to the Director of six new AIIMS at Bhopal,Bhubaneswar,Jodhpur,Patna,Raipur and Rishikesh-reg
39 Z-28016/164/2015-SSH 14th August,2017 Age relaxation for contractual employees of AIIMS Jodhpur.-reg.
40 No.Z-28016/87/2017-PMSSY-III 26th July,2017 Technical Committe with the following compisition to examine DPRs excluding medical equipment.
41 No.Z-28016/60/2017-PMSSY-IV 05th July,2017 Grant of Learning Resource Allowance (LRA) to Faculty and Group-A Officers of new AIIMS on the existing pattern of AIIMS New Delhi.
42 No.Z-28016/60/2017-SSH 19th May,2017 Stipend for M.Sc. Nursing students, college of nursing, in new AIIMS.
43 No.Z-28016/130/2015-SSH 06th April ,2018 Delegation of powers of the president of the institute to Director of new AIIMS for engagement of personnel against Non-Faculty posts
44 No.Z-28016/33/2017-PMSSY-III 05th April,2017 Formulation of technical team to inspect the site/structure for upgradation of government medical college, Surat.
45 No.Z-28016/16/2016-SSH 08th March,2017 Constitution of work committee to review the execution of work under PMSSY Phase III up-gradation-regarding.
46 No.A-11013/1/2014-SSH 09th January,2017 Procedure for reporting, reviewing and accepting of Annual Confidential Reports of the faculty posts in six new AIIMS.
47 No.Z-28016/6/2013-SSH 09th August,2016 Procedure for reporting, reviewing and accepting of Annual Confidential Reports of the Project Cell Posts in six new AIIMS.
48 No.Z-28016/32/2013-SSH 16th March,2016 Counting of past service in respect of Faculty/Non-Faculty personnel of New AIIMS-regarding.
49 No.Z-28016/1/2016-SSH 10th February,2016 Filling up the project cell posts of administrative officer and executive engineer (civil) and executive engineer(electrical) by respective AIIMS.
50 No.Z-28016/32/2013-SSH 11th December,2015 Various Matters relating to Service Conditions of Faculty/Non-Faculty personnel of New AIIMS-Tenure of Deputation,Proforma Promotion, Protection of Pay,Counting of Past Service,Lien etc, 11 December 2015. DOPT
51 No.Z-28016/16/2014-SSH 16th November,2015 Raising upper age limit to 58 years in respect of recruitment of professor and Addl. Professor.
52 No.Z-28016/24/2014-SSH 24th November,2015 Standing Selection Committee Meeting quorum-reg, 24th November 2015.
53 No.Z-28016/267/2014-SSH 31th August,2015 Clarification regarding payment of RA Bills.
54 No.Z-28016/24/2015-SSH 12th August,2015 Selection Cimmittee for Group 'C' posts.
55 No.A-11013/1/2015-SSH 20th July,2015 Interim arrangement to assign additional charge of Medical Superintendent post in case of vacancy.
56 No.Z-28016/73/2015-SSH 09th July,2015 Validity of Panel of Subject Experts.
57 No.Z-28016/73/2015-SSH 09th July,2015 Validity of Panel of Subject Experts.
58 No.Z-28016/24/2014-SSH 01st May,2015 Reconstitution of Selection Committees for filling up Faculty/Non-Faculty/Resident/Contractual Posts in New AIIMS- Consolidated Orders/Instructions/Guidelines.
59 No.Z-28016/11/2012-SSH 10th April,2015 Setting up of Six-Aiims at Bhopal,Bhubaneswar,Jodhpur,Patna,Raipur,Rishikesh- Grant of regular EOT and Re-scheduling of Milestones and Levy of compensation under various construction packages-regarding.
60 No.Z-28016/11/2012-SSH 10th April,2015 Empowered Review Committee (ERC) Constituted at Aiims Bhopal,Bhubaneswar,Jodhpur,Patna,Raipur,Rishikesh- Amendment regarding.
61 No.Z-28016/352/2014-SSH 27th February,2015 ORDER: On discontinuation of the services of Shri S.M.Amrit, Ex-Consultant.
62 No.Z-28016/42/2013-SSH 17th February,2015 ORDER: Constitution of Governing Body, Standing Finance Committee and Standing Selection Committee of all the 6 new AIIMS Like institution.
63 No.Z-28016/24/2014-SSH 10th December,2014 Filling up of group 'B' & 'C' post, methoodology and composition of selection committees.
64 No.Z-28016/298/2013-SSH: 02nd November,2014 40th meeting of PMC held on 26 march 2014- Monitoring format for action to be initiated on the decisions taken in the meeting regarding.
65 No.Z-28016/22/2012-SSH-Pt : 05th November,2014 Minutes of meeting regarding preliminary GAP analysis reports submitted by state governments on PMSSY upgradation-phase-lll.
66 No.Z-28016/240/2013-SSH: 07th November,2014 ORDER: With the approval of Secretary(HFW) it has been decided to constitute a Technical Committee with the following composition to examine Detailed Project Report(DPRs) excluding medical equipment..., New Delhi.
67 No.Z-28016/351/2014-SSH: 19th November,2014 Minutes of the meeting of the project monitoring committee of PMSSY held under the chairmanship of secretary.
68 No.Z-28016/22/2012-SSH-Pt : 01st October,2014 Minutes of meeting regarding preliminary GAP analysis reports submitted by state governments on PMSSY upgradation- phase-lll held on 30 September 2014 at 11 AM in room no-249-A, Nirman Bhavan,New Delhi.
69 No.Z-28016/65/2013-SSH: 20th October,2014 Minutes of the meeting regarding comments required for settlement of issues regarding deviation /variation/substitute and extra items cases for consideration by Erc,held on 20.10.2014 at 11.00 AM under the chairmanship of director(PMSSY) at Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi
70 No.Z-28016/267/2014-SSH : 21st October,2014 Record of decisions taken in the meeting of financial advisers of Six new aiims held on 17th October,2014 at 10.30 AM in Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi under the chairmanship of Shri Gautam Guha, AS & FA, Ministry of Health & FW.
71 No.Z-28016/22/2012-SSH-Pt : 08th September,2014 Phase-lll of PMSSY: Submission of Preliminary Gap Analysis report by state.
72 No.Z-28016/103/2013-SSH 08th August,2014 Payment of learning resource allowance to faculty and group 'A' officers of new AIIMS .
73 No.Z-28016/8/2013-SSH 19th September,2014 Advisory regarding prior permission of HFW for outstation tours by director of new AIIMS.
74 No.Z-28016/12/2011-SSH : 18th August,2014 Termination of Contract with Dr. J V Ramamurthi HR Consultant PMSSY Division.
75 No.Z-28016/65/2013-SSH 19th August,2014 Grant of transport allowance to the faculty of sixnew All india institute of medical science.
76 No.Z-28016/2/2012-SSH : 19th August,2014 Minutes of the Meeting of the APEX Committee on Procurement of CSSD, MGPS and MOT for six new AIIMS, Held Under the chairmanship of Secretary (HFW) at Nirman Bhavan on 19 August 2014.
77 No.Z-28016/33/2013-SSH: 21th August,2014 Minutes of the meeting held under the chairmanship of Secretary(HFW) on 13th august 2014 at 3PM at Nirman Bhawan, to consider the report of Dr.G.K Rath committee on Pre bid queries/suggestions in respect of tenderfor procurement of radiotherapy, medical oncology and nuclear medicine department for six new AIIMS under PMSSY.
78 No.28016/2/2013-SSH : 01th July,2014 Circular No. PMSSY-01-July-2014 - Directions of Hon'ble Health & Family Welfare Minister at AIIMS Patna.
79 No.Z-28016/67/2014-SSH : 14th July,2014 Circular No. PMSSY-02-July-2014 .
80 No.Z-28016/24/2014-SSH : 18th July,2014 Circular No. PMSSY-03 of july 2014: Filling up of posts in six new AIIMS.
81 No.Z-28016/37/2014-SSH : 24th July,2014 Circular No. PMSSY-04-july_2014: Delegation of financial and Administrative Power to the Directors of six new AIIMS set up at Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Jodhpur, Patna, Raipur, Rishikesh.
82 No.Z-28016/20/2013-SSH : 30th July,2014 Committee on Operationalization of AYUSH Department in each new AIIMS.
83 No.Z-28016/2/2013-SSH : 30th July,2014 Circular No. PMSSY-06-july_2014: Directions of Hon'ble Health & Family Welfare Minister.
84 No-V-16020/71/2013-ME-I : 15th May,2014 Constitution of Committee based on the observations of the Committee on Subordinate Legislation, Rajya Sabha.
85 No.Z-28016/97/2014-SSH : 30th May,2014 Record of decisions in meeting taken by HFM on 30 May 2014 at Nirman Bhavan New Delhi
86 No.Z-28016/118/2013-SSH : 2nd April,2014 Entrustment of accounts of AIIMS‏.
87 No.Z-28016/97/2014-SSH : 14th March,2014 Record Note of Discussions in the Consultative Meeting with the Directors of Six New AIIMS
88 No-Z-28016/42/2013-SSH : 06th January,2014 Order for AIIMS Patna,Raipur,Jodhpur,Bhubaneswar,Bhopal and Rishikesh dated 6th January, 2014
89 No.28016/2/2013-SSH : 18th January,2014 Minutes of Monthly Review Meeting on Six New AIIMS Held On 18th January, 2014 at AIIMS Bhubaneswar
90 No. Z-28016/2/2012-SSH : 13th February,2013 Minutes of meeting of committee on procurement of common and/or specialised items for 6 new AIIMS held on 13 feb 2013
91 No.Z-28016/11/2012-SSH : 20th May,2013 Constitution of Empowered Review Committee in project cells of 6 new AIIMS
92 No.28016/2/2013-SSH : 29th August,2013 Minutes of Monthly Review Meeting on Preparedness in New AIIMS.
93 No.28016/127/2013-SSH : 11th September,2013 Minutes of Review Meeting of HSCC projects
94 No. Z-12016/BE/2013-14-SSH : 27th September,2013 Minutes of the Meeting for Consulting Six New AIIMS in Formulation of Budget:RE-2013-14 and BE 2014-15 as per Guidelines of MOF .